Real Estate Investing 101

Single Family vs Multifamily

This article examines the pros and cons of both single-family and multifamily real estate investments.

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Multi-family: Non-Recourse Debt

Every investment involves risk. Investing in multifamily real estate is no exception. The ability to use leverage when purchasing real estate is one of the most powerful attributes of this asset class. However, leverage is a double-edged sword. It can both increase and decrease risk. Fortunately, the added risk can be mitigated and one of the greatest tools for doing so is non-recourse debt.

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Want Long-Term Wealth? Why You Need To Skip Single-Family Investing and Switch To Multi-Family

Should you invest in single-family or multi-family properties? We will outline why multi-family investing is a far more superior investment.

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10 Key Multifamily Real Estate Terms For Passive Investors

Here are 10 multi-family real estate terms that are essential for investors to understand when evaluating passive investment opportunities.

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The Risks of Multifamily Investments

Even though multifamily real estate is one of the safer asset classes to invest in, like any investment, there are still risks involved. The current market conditions, the property management team, the condition of the building itself, and certain financial aspects of the investment can all have a huge impact on the success of your investment.

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Multi-Family vs. The Stock Market

A battle of two asset classes. Read our comparison of multi-family real estate investing and stock market investing.

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Drastically Decrease Your Tax Liability With Depreciation and Cost Segregation

The wealthiest people in America tend to have one thing in common. They own real estate and use depreciation to reduce their tax liability.

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8 Ways To Accumulate Wealth Through Multi-family Real Estate Investing

Multi-family investing is a powerful investment strategy with a multitude of ways to generate passive income.

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Key Questions To Ask When Performing Due Diligence On Your Deal Sponsorship Team

Not every deal is worth an investment. Establish a baseline for both effective decision making and sound investing with these key questions.

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How To Create An All-Star Team For Any Multi-Family Syndication Deal

An overview of the key team members that we work with to successfully syndicate and operate multi-family properties.

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Evaluating Multifamily Investments: Cash-on-Cash vs. Internal Rate of Return

Cash-on-Cash Return and Internal Rate of Return are two important financial metrics that all prospective passive investors need to understand in order to be able to properly evaluate investment opportunities. In this article, we’ll explain the difference.

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Taxes Are the Worst Part of the Game

While paying taxes is inevitable, multifamily syndication investors can take advantage of depreciation, cost segregation analysis, and various deductions in order to minimize the impact of taxation on their return, and use cash out refinancing and 1031 exchanges to grow their profits tax free over time.

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Why Do So Few Retirees Own Income Properties?

According to a recent study, the majority of Americans rely on social security, pension plans, and investment accounts as sources of retirement income, with real estate being one of the least popular choices. There are several reasons, however, why retirees may want to take a second look at investing in rental properties, especially multifamily.

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CASHFLOW Quadrant: The Case for The Right Side

Robert Kiyosaki's CASHFLOW Quadrant defines four categories of earners – employees and self-employed individuals on the left, and business owners and investors on the right. The concept points to those on the right side of the quadrant as the ones with the true potential for achieving financial independence.

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6 Keys To Performing Stellar Multifamily Due Diligence

Due diligence is the most important aspect of ensuring the financial feasibility and success of your multifamily investment. We will discuss 6 keys to performing effective multifamily due diligence to protect your investment capital.

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Six Types of Risks To Evaluate When Investing In Someone’s Real Estate Deal

When investing in someone's real estate deal, are you truly fully vetting the sponsor? The investment opportunity? The financial risk? Protect your capital against loss by evaluating these real estate risks.

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Defend Against Inflation With Real Estate

Inflation is the "silent killer" of your money. Real estate has historically been the “safe-haven” for investors looking to hedge their portfolios in inflationary environments. Here's why....

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8 Key Performance Indicators That Drive Commercial Real Estate Profits

Commercial real estate investors and asset managers use key performance indicators as a measuring stick to increase asset performance, efficiencies and profits. Focusing on these metrics can also help investors select assets with value-add potential, grow their portfolios more efficiently, and understand market trends affect profitability.

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